Women's Ministry

Chillicothe Bible Church is a place where women seek, find, and grow in their walk with Jesus. 

Here you are surrounded by a loving community of other women pursuing Jesus. Regardless

of where you are in your faith walk, we want to walk with and encourage each other as the

Body of Christ and pursue a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus: 

making disciples who make disciples of Jesus.


For more information on the Women's Ministry at Chillicothe Bible Church, 

email Rachael Baker-Christophel by clicking the envelope below.


  • Quilt Club: Meets the third Saturday of the month from 9am - 4pm at the church

    Book Club: Meets the third Tuesday of the month 6:30pm at the church

    Ladies Night Out: Dine monthly with other ladies at a local restaurant

  • Women’s Sunday School: Every Sunday morning at 9am at the church

    Tuesday Morning Bible Study: Every Tuesday at 9:30am at the church

    Tuesday Evening Bible Study: Every Tuesday at 7pm at the church

    Prayer Care: Prayer coverage over every lady within the church

    D Groups: Small discipleship groups

    Journey Group: A Bible study focusing on the truth of the Gospel within our past, present, and future in the context of a confidential small group, creating deeper community. To register for a Journey Group complete and email the following form to Rachael Baker-Christophel

    Journey Group Application

  • Card Ministry: Meets quarterly to write and send cards for all occasions to the church body

    Missionary Wives: Supports the wives of our missionaries through various methods

    Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS): Designed especially for mothers of newborn children up through 5th graders. Each meeting features a time of fellowship, creativity, and learning. This occurs at 6:30pm on the first and third Mondays of the month. Contact Chris Heffron or click the button below for more information


  • Christmas Party, bonfires, movie, game & craft nights, road trips, retreats and more